
Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

telkmx wrote:

Anyone else wished there was a black babyface pro ?
Since the ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition i kinda wish for one haha

Dream come true !


M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi all! RME Babyface pro noticed that sometimes you can accidentally touch the USB wires in the area of connections with the card, it just jerks a mm and the signal disappears. After reconnecting, this does not happen, even if I pull the wire hard.

The last time I dropped the card on its side, when I sharply pulled the headphone cord, the sound disappeared again, although the USB cable remained in place. It turns out that such a failure occurs when the card remains connected for a long time without movement (a week or a month), and then micro-movement causes a failure.

I'm afraid this might not happen on stage. With what it can be connected?

The card includes: 2 xlr for monitors, 1 xlr for microphone, guitar cable and headphones, every time it happens suddenly, while I’m writing now I pulled the usb, everything is holding up well, nothing is disconnected. The wire is original, fits tightly


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Sounds like you did not insert the USB right angle part deep enough into the Babyface USB socket. It must be all pressed in.

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

Sounds like you did not insert the USB right angle part deep enough into the Babyface USB socket. It must be all pressed in.

No, the wire is inserted as deep as possible, it seems to me there is some problem with the electrical network


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hello, I am new here. Is this how to write a new post / thread? I have a Q about connecting analog units / or an external patch to a Babyface Pro in mixing mode. F.ex. using an external analog compressor on a track when mixing a song. Possibilities / limitations?

1,306 (edited by Manuel 2024-05-10 19:28:52)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

sumphill wrote:

Hello, I am new here. Is this how to write a new post / thread? I have a Q about connecting analog units / or an external patch to a Babyface Pro in mixing mode. F.ex. using an external analog compressor on a track when mixing a song. Possibilities / limitations?

The Babyface is probably not the best inhterface for hooking up outboard gear (unless you use ADAT, and then you'd still need an external converter, at which point it's probably cheaper to get the UCX II and have it all in one box). You could connect the Babyface outputs to your compressor inputs, and the compressor outputs to BOTH the Babyface inputs and your analog monitors using a balanced cable splitter or a a patchbay. It is generally acceptable to connect an output to more than one input. This way you would be able to apply hardware compression to the audio going to your monitors, your headphones and your DAW. All the signal routing is easily done in TotalmixFX.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Manuel wrote:
sumphill wrote:

Hello, I am new here. Is this how to write a new post / thread? I have a Q about connecting analog units / or an external patch to a Babyface Pro in mixing mode. F.ex. using an external analog compressor on a track when mixing a song. Possibilities / limitations?

The Babyface is probably not the best inhterface for hooking up outboard gear (unless you use ADAT, and then you'd still need an external converter, at which point it's probably cheaper to get the UCX II and have it all in one box). You could connect the Babyface outputs to your compressor inputs, and the compressor outputs to BOTH the Babyface inputs and your analog monitors using a balanced cable splitter or a a patchbay. It is generally acceptable to connect an output to more than one input. This way you would be able to apply hardware compression to the audio going to your monitors, your headphones and your DAW. All the signal routing is easily done in TotalmixFX.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thanks for useful info. I was expecting the Babyface would be a complicated setup, so the UCX II looks like the solution. In recording modus I need max 10 inputs for analog preamps recording drums. In mix mode I would like to hook up analog compressors and an EQ on some channels, this would be nice to cable up through a patch bay. How to link / cable up a patch to the UCX II? I am an old school analog guy not used to these `all in one`units, but I like the sound quality of RME. I use Pro Tools and a Macbook pro. Thanks again for any advice, and yes I have to study the UCX II manual.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

sumphill wrote:

Thanks for useful info. I was expecting the Babyface would be a complicated setup, so the UCX II looks like the solution. In recording modus I need max 10 inputs for analog preamps recording drums. In mix mode I would like to hook up analog compressors and an EQ on some channels, this would be nice to cable up through a patch bay. How to link / cable up a patch to the UCX II? I am an old school analog guy not used to these `all in one`units, but I like the sound quality of RME. I use Pro Tools and a Macbook pro. Thanks again for any advice, and yes I have to study the UCX II manual.

You need to figure out how many simultaneous inputs you need. The UCX II only has 8 analog inputs (4 on the front and 4 on the back), if you need 10 you'll need the UFX. You could also use an external AD/DA unit. The Behringer ADA8200 Ultragain is affordable and adds 8 ins and 8 outs at 48 kHz, and it will work with the Babyface. Don't expect RME sound quality though.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Manuel wrote:
sumphill wrote:

Thanks for useful info. I was expecting the Babyface would be a complicated setup, so the UCX II looks like the solution. In recording modus I need max 10 inputs for analog preamps recording drums. In mix mode I would like to hook up analog compressors and an EQ on some channels, this would be nice to cable up through a patch bay. How to link / cable up a patch to the UCX II? I am an old school analog guy not used to these `all in one`units, but I like the sound quality of RME. I use Pro Tools and a Macbook pro. Thanks again for any advice, and yes I have to study the UCX II manual.

You need to figure out how many simultaneous inputs you need. The UCX II only has 8 analog inputs (4 on the front and 4 on the back), if you need 10 you'll need the UFX. You could also use an external AD/DA unit. The Behringer ADA8200 Ultragain is affordable and adds 8 ins and 8 outs at 48 kHz, and it will work with the Babyface. Don't expect RME sound quality though.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thanks for inputs. 8 analog inputs is enough for me. How would you connect a patch with the UCX II? To insert outboard comps / eq on tracks when mixing.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

One question.

For external power I bought a 12V/2.0A power supply. Is it ok with the babyface pro fs. I have no idea of electrical things ...


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

This is a Newby Question - I have the Babyface and I am running an Optical out into an Active Speaker with an Optical input (Kef LS50 Wireless) - You can select inputs on the speaker and I select optical

When using the Babyface either stand alone or connected via USB I can see the ipnut coming in from my Guitar and I have the Optical selected but I do not get any sound

I have tried this with just the Babyface - with the power connector and in USB with Totalmix set with Optical Out

I can see the input both in stand alone and in Total mix

Is it something to do with ADAT v spdif?
What am I missing?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

In standalone mode you need to route (mix) the analog input to the optical output. Procedure is described in the manual.

Matthias Carstens

1,315 (edited by prof.ti 2024-07-01 11:59:47)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hey there.

Babyface Pro, Macbook Pro 2017, running on OS Ventura. I was on Kernel drivers previously, today the system updated I think from 13.4 to 13.6.7 and now Fireface and Totalmix won't launch. I tried installing the DriverKit driver, fireface opens in that case, but it doesn't see the device. I double checked on a different laptop, the Babyface Pro is running its latest 206 firmware. I tried reinstalling both Kernel and DriverKit multiple times. Nothing works. What do I do?

UPD: Installed the 4.12 driver from the other thread, still didn't work at first, but after few restarts it works. I don't know what changed after the few restarts.

1,316 (edited by sikorsky 2024-07-30 22:20:50)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi. I just got RME Babyface Pro and try to connect it to my Mackie 402-VLZ3 mixer.
I found in the net these pictures attached below. So, I figured that I need to buy two cables also attached on the picture below. I bougth that cables, tried to connect my card to mixer and... no signal in mixer. XLR connected to card, tried to connect jacks to mixer in line 1-2, 3-4 - no signal. Am I wrong with these cables? Please, explain me what cables I must use for connect my card to this mixer. Thanks



Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

sikorsky wrote:

Hi. I just got RME Babyface Pro and try to connect it to my Mackie 402-VLZ3 mixer.
I found in the net these pictures attached below…

Hi! The drawing is not correct! When you have the Babyface pro in front of you, the two 'female' XLR connectors on top left are microphone inputs. The two 'male' connectors on the right are the main outputs. To connect the interface output to Mackie line input, you’ll need cables with XLR female and 6.35mm plugs.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

oli77sch wrote:
sikorsky wrote:

Hi. I just got RME Babyface Pro and try to connect it to my Mackie 402-VLZ3 mixer.
I found in the net these pictures attached below…

Hi! The drawing is not correct! When you have the Babyface pro in front of you, the two 'female' XLR connectors on top left are microphone inputs. The two 'male' connectors on the right are the main outputs. To connect the interface output to Mackie line input, you’ll need cables with XLR female and 6.35mm plugs.

I've never read anything like this before. Well seen Oli.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I see no need for that particular mixer as it’s not really adding anything. TotalMix is more flexible.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I would add, that mic cable on that drawing is also wrong. Male XLR should go to BF Pro, not female XLR. (And of course to the sockets on top left, not top right).

FF UCX II, Digiface USB, Babyface Pro FS


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Kubrak wrote:

I would add, that mic cable on that drawing is also wrong. Male XLR should go to BF Pro, not female XLR. (And of course to the sockets on top left, not top right).

… this, and even the MIDI breakout cable is wrong drawed as well as the placement of headphones outputs and instrument input.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

oli77sch wrote:
sikorsky wrote:

Hi. I just got RME Babyface Pro and try to connect it to my Mackie 402-VLZ3 mixer.
I found in the net these pictures attached below…

Hi! The drawing is not correct! When you have the Babyface pro in front of you, the two 'female' XLR connectors on top left are microphone inputs. The two 'male' connectors on the right are the main outputs. To connect the interface output to Mackie line input, you’ll need cables with XLR female and 6.35mm plugs.

Hi! Thank you very much! I bougth female connectors and changed purchased cables from MALE to FEMALE, i.e. gender transaction LOL. So, all works perfect now!

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

BBF pro FS in CC mode under iPad:
it’s there possibility to have more than 1-2 software playback output under CC mode with iPad?
Right now I see in TotalMix Fx app all software playback channels available, but AUM, Logic for iPad, Cubasis 3 and other hosts show only 1-2 outputs to choose

The manual p.90 says (about usage under CC mode - not described if under iPad or computer):
‘Playback will use analog outputs 1 and 2, or even more channels if the app supports such operation.‘
Which iPad app currently support more than 1-2 software playback channels if any? Thanks!


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

That sounds more like you did not find the correct way on how to select other output channels in the respective app. But that is quite easy, so:

Which firmware is on that BF? What sample rate used? In TM FX did you try to force all output channels to work? It's in the app's menu.

Matthias Carstens

1,325 (edited by przemyslaw.szczypek 2024-08-03 03:41:29)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

You are (like always) completely right!
It was user error:

I connected to second iDevice (iPad 15 pro) but this time when system asked what I connected (headphones or other kind, I selected other), and voila! AUM shows all 12 outputs.

So on iPad I do „forget connected audio USB accessory” and reconnect BBF, select „other” when system asked what was connected (do not selected headphones this time). iPad now shows all 12 outs even under Drambo, AUM and all.

48kHz latest firmware on BBF pro FS

This is 5-th device from RME in mine studio, so must be an love.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi @ all smile I am a happy owner of a Babyface Pro FS, a great interface. For two weeks now I have encountered a strange behavior. When I start up my PC (Windows 10, AMD Ryzen 5 3600, all drivers and System on newest updates), the inputs of the Babyface don't work. Outputs are working as expected, but no signal on the inputs. When I unplug and re-plug the interface (USB) everything works fine.
Has anyone encountered a similar behavior or have an idea what might cause this problem?
BTW, there are no automatic updates, all updates of the drivers are done manually by me and there was no update done when the problem started. The firmware and drivers of the Babyface are up to date.

Best regards


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Are there any startup ASIO-programs ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

@waedi, not as far as I know. The Apps in Autostart are
- Bitdefender
- Fireface Settings
- TotalMix
- UA Connect (From Universal Audio)
- WavesLocalServer (From Waves)
- Microsoft Edge
- NIHardwareAccessibilityHelper (From Native Instruments)
- sdaCollector.vbs (I think form Slate Audio)

As far as I know there were no additions of Startup-Apps when the error first started.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

For a test you could take out those, only let in the RMEs.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I doubt that has any influence here. What is the current firmware version of the BF Pro FS?

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

@waedi I wil try
@MC: Firmware is 206, Driver Version is 1.251


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

So when you start and have no AD working, TotalMix FX level meters show UFL on inputs 1 to 4?

If so the ADC is not initialized correctly. As this worked before and also for all others the power via USB might be critical during startup. Tried different cable and different port? You use the original BF Pro cable and it is plugged in at the unit correctly and fully?

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

@MC I will have a look at the next full start-up (I am in a recording session right now and can't interrupt it).
I use the original BF Pro cable, but with a USB 3.0 extension cable, because the PC is not near enough. I will try connecting the Babyface directly to the PC without the extension and I will try another USB port.

1,334 (edited by anoise 2024-08-05 09:30:26)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

maxanto wrote:

Hi all! RME Babyface pro noticed that sometimes you can accidentally touch the USB wires in the area of connections with the card, it just jerks a mm and the signal disappears. After reconnecting, this does not happen, even if I pull the wire hard.

It turns out that such a failure occurs when the card remains connected for a long time without movement (a week or a month), and then micro-movement causes a failure.

Wow, I came here to ask where could I buy a new original USB2 cable for the Babyface Pro FS, and I see this post.
This is exactly the same problem I have. After a while, micro movements of the cable or the connector head results in lost connection for milliseconds. If the "Fireface USB settings" or the "Totalmix" window is open they will close automatically when the signal is lost. The cable is fully pressed in. Touching/pressing the connector head also disconnects, but like the above user mentioned, it happens after some time has passed.
Really strange issue like my other issue with the white noise/Totalmix EQ related problem. sad
I now use the USB-C cable to see if the disconnection issue persists. If it does not, than it could be the cable.
Where can I buy a new USB 2 cable?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

aberndt wrote:

@MC I will have a look at the next full start-up (I am in a recording session right now and can't interrupt it).
I use the original BF Pro cable, but with a USB 3.0 extension cable, because the PC is not near enough. I will try connecting the Babyface directly to the PC without the extension and I will try another USB port.

@MC until now I restarted the PC 3 times (two cold starts, one restart) and the problem did not occur. From the post before I disabled all the non-RME-audio-related apps from the startup. I will observe the behavior today very closely and give response.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

maxanto wrote:

Hi all! RME Babyface pro noticed that sometimes you can accidentally touch the USB wires in the area of connections with the card, it just jerks a mm and the signal disappears.

If the connector is fully pressed in it can not even 'jerk' for a tenth of a millimeter. So this statement sounds suspiciously as if the angled connector is not fully inserted.

That said of course the cables are not guaranteed to never die or never show contact issues. It's still a cable...that is available at your local distributor.

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

@MC today the problem occured again and indeed there is UFL for input 1 - 4. Thank you, I will now try different cables and ports.

MC wrote:

So when you start and have no AD working, TotalMix FX level meters show UFL on inputs 1 to 4?

If so the ADC is not initialized correctly. As this worked before and also for all others the power via USB might be critical during startup. Tried different cable and different port? You use the original BF Pro cable and it is plugged in at the unit correctly and fully?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

@MC, changes of cable or port did not change anything. But I noticed that when I switch on my socket strip and just wait until the USB Power activates the Babyface and only then start the PC, the problem goes away. So I assume that it is a problem a) on the motherboard (but than on all UST Ports) or the drivers of the MoBo.
Either way, I can't afford a new MoBo right now, so I will use this new start up routine which seems to fix the problem for me.

Thank you all smile

aberndt wrote:

@MC today the problem occured again and indeed there is UFL for input 1 - 4. Thank you, I will now try different cables and ports.

MC wrote:

So when you start and have no AD working, TotalMix FX level meters show UFL on inputs 1 to 4?

If so the ADC is not initialized correctly. As this worked before and also for all others the power via USB might be critical during startup. Tried different cable and different port? You use the original BF Pro cable and it is plugged in at the unit correctly and fully?

1,339 (edited by vinark 2024-08-08 10:08:45)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Might also be the PSU. I had also issues with the Babyface going into a kind of bootloop when the computer was off. A few weeks later the PSU died.
Of course not 100% sure that is it, but I had a spare PSU so it was easy to try and it fixed it. I also had the conclusion it was a mobo quirk before the PSU died.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

@vinark thanks for that information. I will keep an eye on the PSU. I did a little MoBo diagnosis, but nothing appeared. So I think I will go with the "wait 5 seconds after switching on the power strip" thing until something breaks, LOL. Thanks to all smile

vinark wrote:

Might also be the PSU. I had also issues with the Babyface going into a kind of bootloop when the computer was off. A few weeks later the PSU died.
Of course not 100% sure that is it, but I had a spare PSU so it was easy to try and it fixed it. I also had the conclusion it was a mobo quirk before the PSU died.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

How can i refresh the comunication between rme drivers and apples core audio system? my babyface is down,  the system gets real hickups when trying to access the babyface.. do i need to reinstall the drivers or delete some corrupted prefferences? i hope the sudden audio problems on various areas have nothing to do with apples recent release of theire M3 generation. I am on OS 14.6.1 with a 2020 macbook air..an anciant device in the apple universe..it feels a bit sluggish lately..

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi, I'd like to ask for an helping hand about choosing what you experts consider a better choice for headphones on my BabyFace Pro FS,

It's always the same battle between:
- Beyerdinamic DT-770PRO (250 Ohm) high impedance
- Audio Technica ATh M50-X (38 Ohm) low impedance

Which one would you choose?

I mainly use my Babyface for guitar playing at home with amp sim plugins.

Thank you so much!

1,343 (edited by sowattmusic 2024-11-04 22:12:21)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Sequoia. 15.1,  MacBook Pro Intel Core i9 2.4 MHZ 8 core (2020), Babyface Pro FS. USB Driver 3.223

It seems that os x 15.1 is not compatible with the laters BabyFace Pro Drivers
Any news as to when it will be fixed?

Error Message: 
RME Fireface USB Driver  w . TotalNix 1.97 can't be installed on this disk. The version of macOS is too new


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Driver v3.223 is for Mac OS 10.12 to 10.15. You have Mac OS 15.1

You need RME driver v4.16 for this OS version.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

1,345 (edited by sowattmusic 2024-11-04 22:48:52)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thanks a lot Jeff
But where is the driver 4.16
I do not see when I go inside the driver section. and select Babyface Pro and Mac os X.
The latest drivers shown are


There is nothing newer.
Thanks for givng us the direct link to 4.16

FOUND IT: You can find it in the Driver section of the product and not in the general Driver download section


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread


4.16 does not work here on a MacBook Pro Intel


Works but you must also install the Kernel extension (seperate Download)


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

sowattmusic wrote:


4.16 does not work here on a MacBook Pro Intel


Works but you must also install the Kernel extension (seperate Download)

I never heard of this separate download Kernel extension, may you provide a link ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

He can't as it doesn't exist. He talks about KE driver 3.33.

sowattmusic wrote:

But where is the driver 4.16
I do not see when I go inside the driver section. and select Babyface Pro and Mac os X.
The latest drivers shown are


There is nothing newer.

You can scroll down on that page and read the description. A published date has nothing to do with 'newer' driver versions as we also update older ones.

Matthias Carstens

1,349 (edited by zebric21 2024-11-05 12:33:24)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi there! Long time babyface pro user. Recently i purchased a hifi cd player to enjoy my big library of cd's. I connect the optical out to the babyface optical in to use it as a DA converter. Everything works fine except the time my PC is turned on or off. Audio dropouts happen that time. Is this normal behavior? Could i eliminate this? I understand that the babyface turns to standalone mode or USB mode but i still wonder if this could be done seamlessly. Thank you.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

It can't as the unit internally reboots to load a different firmware.

Matthias Carstens