Topic: IO ERROR after flash to rev. 55 / driver update 3.08.2 - Multiface I
I am a win xp user.
I used the fut for an update to hardware rev. 55 of my PCI interface which is about 6,7 years old now (as is my multiface, the old one without volume knob in the front). flash update was succesfull - at least that's what it said during installation.
I had drive 3.075 installed and hardware rev 54, that was working okay, but I wasn't happy with the latency I got.
After the flash and driver update, the multiface host error led stays red :-(
In the hammerfall dsp settings, it tells me that 3.08.2 is installed and that my hardware revision is now 55.
However, it tells me I/O Box State Error.
Quick help is highly appreciated, I'm a professional user, I need the audio to work!