Topic: HDSPe MADI doesn't work on computer which I made firmware update with
Hi there,
Hope that topic wasn't too much spoken about here.
I updated (or tried to do so) the firmware of my HDSPe MADI v1.1 card. The process never started and I wasn't able to close the "update window". I finally closed it through the ctrl+alt+suppr way. The card isn't working anymore on this computer. It appears with the yellow triangle on the window's peripheral list . I uninstalled and re-install the drivers, tried again the firmware update process but the application is not starting at all.
I then tried the HDSPe Madi card in an other computer, it worked like a charm.
How can I make it work on the initial computer ?
Thanks !
PS : "computer" is a PC running Windows 7, I used the driver packaged contained in : & the firmware updating tool contained in : both issued on June 2021