Topic: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

TotalMix FX 1.96 has just been released, see here:


and we are already on to the next update. This time it's not about tons of new features and fixes, but mainly one feature, often ask for in this forum: being able to control our popular 12Mic from TotalMix FX.

This is done via Settings (F3), tab Aux. Devices, which so far only included the OctaMic XTC. It allows one to assign a bank of 8 mic pre channels to an 8-channel bank of ADAT or MADI. One or multiple.

The 12Mic has 12 channels, which didn't fit into this scheme. The changed dialog in 1.97 presents two 4-channel based assignments instead. These easily allow to adress the 12 channels of a 12Mic, or even multiple 12Mics, to TotalMix FX, which will then show a phantom power and Instrument button, a Gain knob and an AutoSet button in the respective channel settings. Obviously this can be very handy, saving the mic pre state right within a TM FX Snapshot or Workspace.

Supported in Tv 1.97 is not only the 12Mic (and OctaMic XTC), but also 12Mic-D and AVB Tool.

Update, 09/19/2024
Version b1 was more a proof of concept and public test – do users understand the split 4 channel setup, how to add channels 9-12 etc.? The answer was ‘basically yes’, but a bit fine tuning of the dialog could help. Also the added new code had some bugs. TM FX 1.97 b2 addresses all this in several ways:

- When opening the dialog (tab Aux Devices) the formerly selected channel bank is shown. This avoids confusion as you see your last and valid settings.

- A new State display per Device makes it easier to see what works or not. It shows in real-time when the external device responds. Note that changes within the Aux Devices page get active only after a click on OK (closing the dialog), so for example selecting a valid MIDI I/O the State will (correctly) still show No Response first, otherwise Active. Shown messages are No Connection, No Response, Active. There is no message when no Device Type had been selected (None).

- Preferences, Device Handling: New option ‘Read back AUX devices on start’. This option will make TM FX take over the current settings of the attached and configured Aux devices. This is a single, one time request to not disturb further communication.

Fixes and improvements in 1.97b2:
- Selecting a Device 2 unintentionally reset the Device ID of Device 1 to 0.

- Input MIDI device of Device 2 was not saved

- Internal MIDI control could crash with multiple devices

- Windows version: the Device ID set for Device 2 was not saved

- Added TRS and INST switch for the first 4 channels of 12Mic and AVB Tool

- Added INST gain control awareness (no 0 to 8 dB range)

- Optimized Device communication

- Fixed a general crash issue when exiting TM FX (not related to the new Aux Devices features)

Important Notes:
- Do not let RME Connector control the same device via MIDI. TM FX and RME Connector each need exclusive access.

- Make sure the Device ID is set to the correct value in the external device (default 0).

- Controlling more than one device of the same kind (multiple 12Mic, multiple 12Mic-D etc.) requires these devices to have different Device IDs.

Update: 1.97 has been released. Links below are up to date. Also nearly all driver packages have been updated with TM FX 1.97 already.

TM FX 1.97: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/tmfx_win_197.zip

TM FX Remote 1.43: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/tmfx … te_143.zip

TM FX 1.97: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/tmfx_mac_197.zip

TM FX Remote 1.43: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/tmfx … te_143.zip

Windows: Exit TotalMix FX (right click systray icon) and copy the new version into Windows\System32, overwriting the old file.

Mac: Exit TotalMix FX completely and copy the app into the Applications folder, overwriting the old file.

Have fun!

Matthias Carstens


Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

Updated pics from TM FX 1.97b2:

https://www.archiv.rme-audio.de/images/auxdevice11.png https://www.archiv.rme-audio.de/images/auxdevice22.png



Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

Matthias, thank you very much, that's really great.

Furthermore, cleverly done in terms of implementation, simply divided into groups of 4 to be able to operate a 4, 8 and 12 mic port scheme.

Had only time for short tests. From what I can see, works solid for Octamic XTC and 12Mic on a MADI bus (UFX III).

Even with mouse wheel settings to scroll 5 lines at once it is possible to smoothly operate the gain.


BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

It would be great if a button for "Inst" could be added for the first 4 ports of 12Mic, like for the XTC, many thanks.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

I wrote in the 1.96 Beta thread reporting a small issue regarding fader groups not being saved under certain conditions and I've just discovered now in 1.97 b1 a bit more about the issue.

I'm trying to save 2 different output faders into a Fader group - one stereo main out and one mono LFE output. Use case here is trying to sync a subwoofer fader to be part of main volume out in a 2.1 setup.

I have a workspace where one snapshot is 2.0 and another snapshot is 2.1. If I save the workspace when the 2.1 snapshot is selected and fader group on as described, and later reload this workspace, the Fader group with Main Out + LFE out is still grouped as expected. If I then select any other snapshot and come back to my 2.1 snapshot the LFE channel is not remembered in the group I made.

Also if I save the workspace with anything other than the 2.1 snapshot selected and reload the workspace and then select the 2.1 snapshot the LFE fader is also left out of the group.

Hopefully this makes sense so it can be logged.

Paul Najar
Jaminajar Music Production

6 (edited by babul 2024-09-04 15:14:24)

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

Oooooo I've wanted this for a long time. I was able to get this to work with my UFX III and 12mic.

A few notes...

1. Totalmix does not read the current 12mic config? When i got Totalmix connected it cleared my 12mic pres setup. Thankfully I had a preset backup which I reverted to. But those settings did not reflect back in Totalmix.

2. I was able to make changes in Totalmix and see them reflected in the 12mic web interface. Magic! But changes made in the web interface were not reflected back to Totalmix.

3. As ramses mentioned it would be great if "Inst/XLR" support was available for the first 4 ports of the 12mic

4. MADI 1-9, Device 2 my input port always reverts back to "UFX III Port 1" when I leave the Mixer settings no matter what I set it to. Device 1 & 3 both stick.

So I am thinking that going forward I set my 12mic settings as needed in my Totalmix snapshots.

Mac Studio M1 Max, Sonoma, RME UFX III, 12Mic, Pulse 16 MX, Softube Console 1, Studio One 6/7

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

babul wrote:

Oooooo I've wanted this for a long time. I was able to get this to work with my UFX III and 12mic.

2. I was able to make changes in Totalmix and see them reflected in the 12mic web interface. Magic! But changes made in the web interface were not reflected back to Totalmix.

4. MADI 1-9, Device 2 my input port always reverts back to "UFX III Port 1" when I leave the Mixer settings no matter what I set it to. Device 1 & 3 both stick.

For me it's the opposite.
Changes in web and Connector are shown in TM but changes in TM do nothing at all.

UFX+, FireFace 802 FS, Digiface USB
12 Mic, M1610 pro, Micstasy
MacBookPro M1
Logic Pro X

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

It is working when I route the 12 Mic to MADI 9-20

UFX+, FireFace 802 FS, Digiface USB
12 Mic, M1610 pro, Micstasy
MacBookPro M1
Logic Pro X

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

It's all looking good in TM when I route 1610 Pro to MADI 1-16 and 12 Mic to MADI 17-28

UFX+, FireFace 802 FS, Digiface USB
12 Mic, M1610 pro, Micstasy
MacBookPro M1
Logic Pro X

10 (edited by Gautier 2024-09-05 23:55:04)

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

It does work great and comes perfect in time, I just purchased a 12 mic hoping the integration in TM would come soon ! Many thanks, works like a charm, after the help from fellows outthere including Ramses. Great forum !


Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

- Working only one way: either MIDI In or Out port are assigned wrong or not connected to the external unit

- General setup: the dialog follows a simpe rule -  the most top entry, selecting the channel bank of the audio interface, sets all others. For example you can not change the Device ID and expect that you now see the values of Device x. What you did is that you gave the still selected channel bank (top entry) a different Device ID.

- When closing that settings dialog and reopening it the top entry defaults to the first available channels! Not noticing that you might think the settings have changed - they have not, which will be clear when you select the correct channel bank (top entry) again.

- The concept of 'Aux Devices' is based on TM FX setting (sending) all parameters on start. A readback first on start does not exist. We're thinking about an option to do so.

- Note that simultaneous usage of TM FX and Remote is not implemented - never was - and will cause random and undefined behaviour.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

I can't disable talkback dim for the life of me, how do i do it?

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

In Totalmix menu Options / Settings Tab General
Pull the faders fully right side
and assign to none


M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

14 (edited by ploki 2024-09-07 23:19:53)

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

Faders ARE to the right - but I need talkback, so i can't set it to none. (I have it set to AN8)
Listenback is set to None.

The talkback dim fader doesn't even change the dim amount anyway no matter how i set it
UFX+ firmware is v112

I just don't want talkback to dim my mains.
Before 1.96b this didn't happen

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

okay for whatever reason:
- set the input to none, dim to -65dB, hit OK

closed settings,  then went back and set it back to AN8 and 0dB and it now works as expected.

If i just went into settings and wiggled talkback around and clicked "OK" it didn't hold the settings.


Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

But you are aware that the fader of Listenback sets the amount of Mains Dim, not the one of Talkback? As written in all manuals:

Input. Selects the input channel of the Talkback signal (microphone in control room). De-fault: None.
Dim. Amount of attenuation of the signals routed to the Phones in dB.
Input. Selects the input channel of the Listenback signal (microphone in recording room). Default: None.
Dim. Amount of attenuation of the signals routed to the Main Out in dB.

For Listenback no input needs to be selected to make the fader work on Mains.

Also the set fader value does not become effective immediately, but only after a click of OK.

Matthias Carstens

17 (edited by ploki 2024-09-08 12:00:28)

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

MC wrote:

But you are aware that the fader of Listenback sets the amount of Mains Dim, not the one of Talkback? As written in all manuals:

Input. Selects the input channel of the Talkback signal (microphone in control room). De-fault: None.
Dim. Amount of attenuation of the signals routed to the Phones in dB.
Input. Selects the input channel of the Listenback signal (microphone in recording room). Default: None.
Dim. Amount of attenuation of the signals routed to the Main Out in dB.

For Listenback no input needs to be selected to make the fader work on Mains.

Also the set fader value does not become effective immediately, but only after a click of OK.

Talkback dim was set to 0dB, as i had it set before beta versions, but after installing beta, it set itself to -20dB while settings were still displaying it as 0dB. I opened settings, wiggled it around back to zero, clicked OK, but it stayed -20dB (while settings displaying 0dB)

(Then i don't remember if i set it to -whatever and OK'd it or not)
Only then have I changed it to NONE, -65dB, OK'd it, and set it back to 0dB and AN8 and now it works as it used to.


Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

ploki wrote:
MC wrote:

But you are aware that the fader of Listenback sets the amount of Mains Dim, not the one of Talkback? As written in all manuals:

Input. Selects the input channel of the Listenback signal (microphone in recording room). Default: None.
Dim. Amount of attenuation of the signals routed to the Main Out in dB.

Aware. Talkback dim was set to 0dB

Why do you talk about Talkback Dim? I just explained that you need to adjust Listenback Dim when you want to have your Mains more or less muted. Also this whole Talkback stuff was not working as expected and got fixed in 1.96 (see readme:

New in TotalMix FX 1.96:
- Several fixes for Talkback function: update Trim state, correct Gain settings, Fader operation)

So it could be that you had an invalid state stored that needed a wider reset (what you did by changing the channel as well). Anyway, it works correctly since 1.96.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

Hello, how can I assign the 12 mic entries of my 12mic in Totalmix, I succeed for the first 8, but not for the last 4.

I'm using an UFX+ and a 12mic.



Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

Screenshots are in above posts.

Matthias Carstens

21 (edited by jpjonckheere 2024-09-11 15:09:22)

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

How can I access to the 2nd screen with Madi 9-16 if it's already used with Madi 1-8 ?
Do I need to run a 2nd totalmix window ?

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

jpjonckheere wrote:

Hello, how can I assign the 12 mic entries of my 12mic in Totalmix, I succeed for the first 8, but not for the last 4.

I'm using an UFX+ and a 12mic.


See posting two:
https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 27#p223727

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

ramses wrote:
jpjonckheere wrote:

Hello, how can I assign the 12 mic entries of my 12mic in Totalmix, I succeed for the first 8, but not for the last 4.

I'm using an UFX+ and a 12mic.


See posting two:
https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 27#p223727

I'm maybe stupid but if the channel bank is already used for MADI 1-8, hopw can, I add Madi 9-16 to use the 12 mic entries  ?


Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

By selecting it. Then the lower entries change to default and have to be set again. Then selecting the former channels their entries will be shown. Etc.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

jpjonckheere wrote:
ramses wrote:
jpjonckheere wrote:

Hello, how can I assign the 12 mic entries of my 12mic in Totalmix, I succeed for the first 8, but not for the last 4.

I'm using an UFX+ and a 12mic.


See posting two:
https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 27#p223727

I'm maybe stupid but if the channel bank is already used for MADI 1-8, hopw can, I add Madi 9-16 to use the 12 mic entries  ?

Maybe take a closer look? ;-)
You've used the drop-down menu before ... When selecting the device type, you can see for which port ranges you are selecting. As it is difficult to make 12 ports from a range of 8 ports, half of the ports from the next block of 8 are used for the last 4 ports. Take some time and look again at the two screenshots and the penny will drop.


BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

ramses wrote:
jpjonckheere wrote:

I'm maybe stupid but if the channel bank is already used for MADI 1-8, hopw can, I add Madi 9-16 to use the 12 mic entries  ?

Maybe take a closer look? ;-)
You've used the drop-down menu before ... When selecting the device type, you can see for which port ranges you are selecting. As it is difficult to make 12 ports from a range of 8 ports, half of the ports from the next block of 8 are used for the last 4 ports. Take some time and look again at the two screenshots and the penny will drop.


ok, I'm stupid ....

but another question, my 12mic is connected to my ufx+ with madi coax
I'm using totalmix fx 1.97 b1
I've selected in totalmix the appropriate channels bank and device
but I have no control at all on my 12mic via totalmix

I see the mic level but that's all, no control

did I something wrong ?

thanks for your help

27 (edited by ramses 2024-09-12 08:34:14)

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

> ok, I'm stupid ....

Don't worry, such things happen to us all :-)

If you use MADI coax then you need a different MIDI port, UFX+ Midi Port 4 (manual ch 21.4).

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

ramses wrote:

> ok, I'm stupid ....

Don't worry, such things happen to us all :-)

If you use MADI coax then you need a different MIDI port, UFX+ Midi Port 4 (manual ch 21.4).

it's still not working, I've selected UFX+ midi port 4....


Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

Fon input and output?

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

MC wrote:

Fon input and output?


31 (edited by ramses 2024-09-12 09:36:18)

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

Is this the only device which is connected to MADI?

If yes, do you have a MADI connection from UFX+ to 12Mic and back to UFX+?

  ^                               |
   |                               |

If you have connected more than one device in a serial fashion (one after the other) then all devices need to be turned on, so that MADI signals are passed through to the next device in the chain and finally back to the UFX+.

  ^                                                                           |
   |                                                                           |

I tried here several things for you, as it was also interesting for me, it turned out that

- Auxdevice still works if UFX III MADI frame is set to 96k and if you choose 48k on the 12Mic
  Nevertheless, I would recommend you to choose the same MADI frame size on all devices, best 96k

- Auxdevice still works if you do not not pass through all MADI channels, which are not in use by the 12Mic.
  But should you should chain several MADI devices on the one MADI bus of the UFX+ in the future, then
  you need to configure the routing not only for the 12Mic itself.
  You also need to configure to pass through all other channels
  Mic In 1..12 -----> MADI 1-12
  MADI 13-64 -----> MADI 13-64 (pass through of the other MADI channels)

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

MC wrote:
ploki wrote:
MC wrote:

But you are aware that the fader of Listenback sets the amount of Mains Dim, not the one of Talkback? As written in all manuals:

Input. Selects the input channel of the Listenback signal (microphone in recording room). Default: None.
Dim. Amount of attenuation of the signals routed to the Main Out in dB.

Aware. Talkback dim was set to 0dB

Why do you talk about Talkback Dim? I just explained that you need to adjust Listenback Dim when you want to have your Mains more or less muted. Also this whole Talkback stuff was not working as expected and got fixed in 1.96 (see readme:

New in TotalMix FX 1.96:
- Several fixes for Talkback function: update Trim state, correct Gain settings, Fader operation)

So it could be that you had an invalid state stored that needed a wider reset (what you did by changing the channel as well). Anyway, it works correctly since 1.96.

Shit i feel so stupid now. Because I mixed up which switch dims which channels in talkback and listenback. smile
A quick glance at the manual cleared it up REALLY quickly.

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

ramses wrote:

Is this the only device which is connected to MADI?

If yes, do you have a MADI connection from UFX+ to 12Mic and back to UFX+?

  ^                               |
   |                               |

If you have connected more than one device in a serial fashion (one after the other) then all devices need to be turned on, so that MADI signals are passed through to the next device in the chain and finally back to the UFX+.

  ^                                                                           |
   |                                                                           |

I tried here several things for you, as it was also interesting for me, it turned out that

- Auxdevice still works if UFX III MADI frame is set to 96k and if you choose 48k on the 12Mic
  Nevertheless, I would recommend you to choose the same MADI frame size on all devices, best 96k

- Auxdevice still works if you do not not pass through all MADI channels, which are not in use by the 12Mic.
  But should you should chain several MADI devices on the one MADI bus of the UFX+ in the future, then
  you need to configure the routing not only for the 12Mic itself.
  You also need to configure to pass through all other channels
  Mic In 1..12 -----> MADI 1-12
  MADI 13-64 -----> MADI 13-64 (pass through of the other MADI channels)

I have only one device connected to my UFX+, madi out to madi in and madi in to madi out

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

jpjonckheere wrote:
ramses wrote:

Is this the only device which is connected to MADI?

If yes, do you have a MADI connection from UFX+ to 12Mic and back to UFX+?

  ^                               |
   |                               |

If you have connected more than one device in a serial fashion (one after the other) then all devices need to be turned on, so that MADI signals are passed through to the next device in the chain and finally back to the UFX+.

  ^                                                                           |
   |                                                                           |

I tried here several things for you, as it was also interesting for me, it turned out that

- Auxdevice still works if UFX III MADI frame is set to 96k and if you choose 48k on the 12Mic
  Nevertheless, I would recommend you to choose the same MADI frame size on all devices, best 96k

- Auxdevice still works if you do not not pass through all MADI channels, which are not in use by the 12Mic.
  But should you should chain several MADI devices on the one MADI bus of the UFX+ in the future, then
  you need to configure the routing not only for the 12Mic itself.
  You also need to configure to pass through all other channels
  Mic In 1..12 -----> MADI 1-12
  MADI 13-64 -----> MADI 13-64 (pass through of the other MADI channels)

I have only one device connected to my UFX+, madi out to madi in and madi in to madi out

and madi led is green on my ufx

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

sorry, no idea.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

36 (edited by ramses 2024-09-12 19:44:30)

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac


TM 1.97b1 doesn't remember the device ID for the 2nd entry Port 5-8:


You can configure it, but once you open Settings (F3) again, the ID is set to 0.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10


Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

Yep, thanks.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

Resizing the TM 1.97b1 window on Intel MPB Pro Ventura 13.6.9 seems to have issues. Can adjust for width but not vertically.

Issue persists in 100%/135% & 200% modes. Tested with internal monitor only and with two external monitors connected.

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

ramses wrote:

sorry, no idea.

could I send you some screenshot of my config ?

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

I prefer if you post it to the forum, then everybody can take a look. I am a customer like you.
The other alternative, write an e-mail to RME support, maybe they can support you with a remote session if needed.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10


Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

NoisyNarrowBandDevice wrote:

Resizing the TM 1.97b1 window on Intel MPB Pro Ventura 13.6.9 seems to have issues. Can adjust for width but not vertically.

Issue persists in 100%/135% & 200% modes. Tested with internal monitor only and with two external monitors connected.

If vertical size changes were possible why do we need the Zoom fixed steps then?

Vertical is NOT possible and never was.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

Thx for the clarification - I could have sworn to have vertically resized TM in the past...;)

43 (edited by tonpalt 2024-09-15 13:28:51)

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac


First of all congratulations for this 'Modern Art Piece' in software form called TotalMix, IMHO (probably) the best GUI mixer and a demonstration of respect for us Users/Customers. I'm NOT suck up to RME, that's what i think.

As a self-recording musician my UCX II and TM offers me much more than needed but please, I would love enjoy some features coming from Stand-Alone operation in next TM FX 1.97 RC (Release Candidate) or future versions. These are my requests:

• Add option to load the 6 UCX II physical memory Setups into TM, not just save.

• Add option in TM Preferences to enable/disable the dialog warning forcing to choose [Device] or [TotalMix] coming from Stand-Alone and load directly the last Setup used on UCX II before online.

Thanks for read

UCX II FW106/34/104 v1.270 TM1.98 - PC Win11 24H2 / Fedora WS 41 - Reaper 7.31

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

tonpalt wrote:


First of all congratulations for this 'Modern Art Piece' in software form called TotalMix, IMHO (probably) the best GUI mixer and a demonstration of respect for us Users/Customers. I'm NOT suck up to RME, that's what i think.

As a self-recording musician my UCX II and TM offers me much more than needed but please, I would love enjoy some features coming from Stand-Alone operation in next TM FX 1.97 RC (Release Candidate) or future versions. These are my requests:

• Add option to load the 6 UCX II physical memory Setups into TM, not just save.

• Add option in TM Preferences to enable/disable the dialog warning forcing to choose [Device] or [TotalMix] coming from Stand-Alone and load directly the last Setup used on UCX II before online.

Thanks for read

I wrote this already a couple of days ago, not sure whether it was for you.

to 1) possible by reading the setups from the camera and storing them one by one to TM FX snapshots.
You can easily save the workspace then to a file or to one of the 30 Quick Workplace Select Slots.
Then you can manage them there and write them to the device slot 1..6 as you like.

In TM FX Preferences (F2) you only need to deactivate
[   ]  Always init DSP devices with TotalMix FX settings
to get the message whether changed settings should be read from the device

to 2) configure in TM Preferences (F2)
[ x ]  Always init DSP devices with TotalMix FX settings

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

I would also like, if it would be possible to load setting's slots 1-6 from device to TM.

I know, one may load a slot to HW and also store it in computer for referencing.... But one may use many computers. And one often is not perfect in archiving and so on. So, being able to load what is stored in HW would be IMHO beneficial. One could check beforehand that the routing stored is the right one.

ad 2) IMHO OP wants the opposite... TM loads routing last used from interface without asking.

FF UCX II, Digiface USB, Babyface Pro FS

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

Kubrak wrote:

ad 2) IMHO OP wants the opposite... TM loads routing last used from interface without asking.

Ah ok, I misread that.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10


Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

Setups stored in the unit (for stand-alone mode) miss the complete software playback part of the mixer, for obvious reasons. That's why there will be no import into TM FX.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

OK, but if one switches interface before computer and chooses keep interface setting instead of TM one, current settings of interface will ''load" to TM.

So, the same could be done for any of 6 slots, not just the one active. And Playback part of mixer could be set either to "no signal"
or to what is, I think, TM default routing AN1 to AN1, AN2 to AN2 and so on. It could be even user configurable in settings, or user could decide by responding to TM prompt dialog.

The same one could do by disconnecting interface setting it to desired preset slot, reconnecting interface to computer and choosing not to load TM settings to interface... But SW solution would be more user friendly.

FF UCX II, Digiface USB, Babyface Pro FS


Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

The current total state is just a (one) state, and not a memory slot. For storing that one  1 or 6 times there is no memory.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix Fx 1.97 Beta – public preview available Windows/Mac

OK in that case TM could force interface to load one of six presets and then read it from interface. But OK, I see it is not as simple as it seemed to be. And there are probably more important things to work on....

But still, it would be IMHO handy, if implemented one day.

FF UCX II, Digiface USB, Babyface Pro FS