Thanks for sharing this information, but I am not so convinced that this concept is really good and whether it is really suitable to be useable for all types of applications.
When reading for a while the documentation it appears to me that this is maybe nice for some application, but maybe not for others. They use the word "sandboxing". But whenever you are sandboxing then maybe the communication to other applications might become harder should this be necessary.
And whether it solves the issues, that you have to ship with statically linked libraries.
TBH, I am not so convinced.
I am not against it don't get me wrong, but from pure design perspective, would this software / library package potentially be another "single point of failure" or "pain" ? If something in that area is broken then it might have an impact on all which relies on this mechanism .. wouldn't that be too risky for a system in terms of stability / operability ? I think it needs time to evaluate whether its more a solution or a risk or "another burden" to use that.
And you - as HW/SW vendor - would additionally have to fully rely on 3rd party software for a very important part of the system, the library section.
What do you tell the customer who supports this, when there is a problem ? Can you build your business on such a model, where it is not fully clear from which corner potential issues arise ?
The more I think about this it appears to me, that this is no good idea to use such a mechanism if you sell commercial software and have to support your products.
What if there is an issue, with whom do you or the customer communicate ? With Mr Torvalds in terms of kernel ? The people making the Linux Distibution ? The people who maintain the development system ? People maintaining the system libraries ? The people behind appimage ? Makes potentially everything harder. As vendor you need one contact like Microsoft or Apple if something goes wrong. And even such easy looking szenarios can become complicated at times...
BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10