1,051 (edited by aroom 2022-07-25 11:11:48)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Output delay (time alignment) would be such a huge deal. I hope that it happen the sooner the better.

We already talked about it here : https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=26978

1,052 (edited by Manuel 2022-07-25 11:21:56)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

aroom wrote:

Output delay (time alignment) would be such a huge deal. I hope that it happen the sooner the better.

We already talked about it here : https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=26978

I ordered a piece of gear a few days ago to do just that... if RME implements this I will have wasted several hundred Euro —and yet I won't mind smile

1,053 (edited by ramses 2022-07-25 12:03:55)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

aroom wrote:

Output delay (time alignment) would be such a huge deal. I hope that it happen the sooner the better.

We already talked about it here : https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=26978

I just see the result was, that this won't happen.

https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 84#p159684

Manuel wrote:
aroom wrote:

Output delay (time alignment) would be such a huge deal. I hope that it happen the sooner the better.

We already talked about it here : https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=26978

I ordered a piece of gear a few days ago to do just that... if RME implements this I will have wasted several hundred Euro —and yet I won't mind smile

What did you order to achieve this functionality?

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

1,054 (edited by Manuel 2022-07-25 13:13:10)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

ramses wrote:

What did you order to achieve this functionality?

Behringer DEQ2496. It's on back order, probably won't be delivered till October 2022, but prices have started to get inflated recently and I managed to secure a unit for 285 Euro. Regardless of whether RME implement this, the DEQ2496 is a handy piece of gear to have around. It's a bit of a Swiss-army knife.

ramses wrote:

We already talked about it here : https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=26978

I just see the result was, that this won't happen.

https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 84#p159684

I may be misreading what @MC said but to me it seems he was talking about the echo effect, which is very different from delaying signals by a fixed amount. Without much knowledge of the technical intricacies under the hood, I'll bet the echo effect uses more DSP resources than just offsetting the output signals.

I've just created a new thread with a poll to find out how people are using their TotalMix FX, feel free to check it out and participate.

1,055 (edited by ramses 2022-08-01 11:48:46)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

> I may be misreading what @MC said but to me it seems he was talking about the echo effect,
> which is very different from delaying signals by a fixed amount.

Yes, you seem to be right,  I re-read and yes … sounds as this comment was related to the echo effect.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

1,056 (edited by Manuel 2022-07-25 13:14:13)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

ramses wrote:

> I may be misreading what @MC said but to me it seems he was talking about the echo effect,
> which is very different from delaying signals by a fixed amount.

yes, you seem to be right,  I re-read and yes .. sounds as this comment was related to the echo effect.

I just edited my previous post, pls take a look.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I noticed the Babyface Pro FS has a hardware switch to adjust output levels. Does this allow to match up output levels between XLR and Line Out? Looking to match up levels for a quadrophonic speaker setup in a shared studio environment and was wondering if it can be done on the hardware site or if it requires each user to set it in the software...


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi.  I'm trying out 96kHz on Windows 11 with a Babyface Pro FS, driver 1.219, hw revision 198, Focusrite Octopre Dynamic.  Everything seems fine except in Fireface USB Settings, Input Status.  It says Sync but also 48kHz.  The Octopre is set to 96kHz as well as Fireface USB Settings, Clock Mode 96000 Hz, Clock Source Internal.  Options, Optical Out ADAT. 

I get audio and it doesn't sound pitched up or down an octave like I assume a mismatched sample rate would.  Is it fine that Fireface USB Settings says the ADAT Input status is syncing at 48kHz?  I don't use the Octopre's inputs and haven't recorded anything yet.  Any constructive feedback is something I'll appreciate.  Thanks.

1,059 (edited by breun 2022-08-20 22:24:07)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

hselters wrote:

I noticed the Babyface Pro FS has a hardware switch to adjust output levels. Does this allow to match up output levels between XLR and Line Out? Looking to match up levels for a quadrophonic speaker setup in a shared studio environment and was wondering if it can be done on the hardware site or if it requires each user to set it in the software...

The Babyface Pro FS has two XLR balanced line outputs and two unbalanced headphone jack outputs (that each carry the same stereo signal). You can find the output level specifications in the Babyface Pro FS manual:

DA, Line Out 1-2 XLR

  • Dynamic range (DR): 115 dB RMS unweighted, 118 dBA

  • Frequency response @ 44.1 kHz, -0.5 dB: 0 Hz – 20.8 kHz

  • Frequency response @ 96 kHz, -0.5 dB: 0 Hz – 45 kHz

  • Frequency response @ 192 kHz, -1 dB: 0 Hz - 89 kHz

  • THD: - 106 dB, 0.0005 %

  • THD+N: -102 dB, 0.0008 %

  • Channel separation: > 110 dB

  • Output: XLR balanced

  • Output impedance: 300 Ohm balanced, 150 Ohm unbalanced

  • Output level @ 0 dBFS: Balanced +19 / +4 dBu, unbalanced +13 / -2 dBu

  • DC @ 0 dBFS: 6.35mm 4.8 V, 3.5mm 2.4 V, XLR bal. 9.6 V

DA, Phones 3/4
As DA Line Out, but:

  • Output: 6.3 mm TRS jack, unbalanced

  • Output impedance: 10 Ohm

  • Output level at 0 dBFS, 1 kOhm load: +13 dBu

  • Max power @ 0.1% THD: 60 mW

  • Signal to Noise ratio (SNR): 114.8 dB RMS unweighted, 118 dBA

  • Noise level: -101.8 dBu

  • Output: 3.5 mm TRS jack, unbalanced

  • Output impedance: 0.1 Ohm

  • Output level at 0 dBFS, 1 kOhm load: +7 dBu

  • Max power @ 0.1% THD: 90 mW

  • Signal to Noise ratio (SNR): 114 dB RMS unweighted, 117 dBA

  • Noise level: -107 dBu

You can add up to 8 additional line outputs via ADAT (or 2 via SPDIF).


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Can someone answer my question about adat input sync saying 48kHz when at 96kHz sampling rate please?  It’s two posts up.  Thanks.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread


Everything seems fine except in Fireface USB Settings, Input Status.  It says Sync but also 48kHz.  The Octopre is set to 96kHz as well as Fireface USB Settings, Clock Mode 96000 Hz, Clock Source Internal.  Options, Optical Out ADAT.

This is normal, and it works the same with MADI digital connections. The ADAT format is made to work at 44.1k or 48k sample rates, then the interface & converter use S/MUX to handle higher sample rates. With S/MUX, 1 channel of 96k = 2 channels of 48k.

As long as the clock is set to the correct sample rate on both sides, it works as you expected.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Jeff wrote:


Everything seems fine except in Fireface USB Settings, Input Status.  It says Sync but also 48kHz.  The Octopre is set to 96kHz as well as Fireface USB Settings, Clock Mode 96000 Hz, Clock Source Internal.  Options, Optical Out ADAT.

This is normal, and it works the same with MADI digital connections. The ADAT format is made to work at 44.1k or 48k sample rates, then the interface & converter use S/MUX to handle higher sample rates. With S/MUX, 1 channel of 96k = 2 channels of 48k.

As long as the clock is set to the correct sample rate on both sides, it works as you expected.

Thank you very much!


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hello, I have a question on Babyface Pro FS. When I press „in” and „out” hardware buttons simultaneously all the lights comes on, then only red, then everything goes off, then everything goes back to normal.
It seems like it is some kind of unit reset, but I didn’t find this in the manual.
So, what is it? I ask in case I accidentally press these buttons during a live performance. Could something unexpected happen then?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

This is a simple LED test to check that they all work. Nothing else happens.

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thanks for the clarification.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi all,
i just installed my Babyface Pro on my Desktop PC. USB 3.1 Ports are on the font of the computer, USB 2.0 at the back, so naturally i would plug it in the back ports for less cable hassle when sitting in front of the PC.
But is there a difference in performance (latency, stability) when plugging into USB 2.0 or 3.1 (Gen 2) port?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

No the bfp is a usb 2 interface. I use usb 2 sockets on the back if my pc

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thank you

1,069 (edited by 3phase 2022-09-25 15:10:32)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread


2 questions regarding Babyface Pro vs Babyface Pro FS.

1) is the Headphone out on the FS really louder? by how many db or volts?

2) is the clocking of the FS really measurable better? or does it only features the better algo for some worst cases, but runs internaly just as stable as the older Babyface Pro, with akm chips?

thanks, i would like to state facts in technical discussions, and its quite common that product advertisements are not necessarily giving improvements the right technical weight or relation to a previous product. I am still quite happy with my old ADI 8DS for example. According to advertising that device is hoplessly dated and outperformed by newer units, just hasnt felt like that sofar..


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

To 1) see manual, technical section

To 2) yes, measurable better results in terms of SNR.
        Stability? SteadyClock (FS and non FS clock) lead to quicker synch and can keep an even heavily jittered signals
        (even if there is more jitter than you will ever see in reality, see Matthias Carstens video).
        Video about SteadyClock FS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti0aHW-zYcs

        Regarding impact on sound, see discussions in sub-forum about ADI-2 Pro FS vs. non-FS version.
        There is something like a “consensus”, that it is measurable, but not audible.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

ramses wrote:

To 1) see manual, technical section

To 2) yes, measurable better results in terms of SNR.
        Stability? SteadyClock (FS and non FS clock) lead to quicker synch and can keep an even heavily jittered signals
        (even if there is more jitter than you will ever see in reality, see Matthias Carstens video).
        Video about SteadyClock FS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti0aHW-zYcs

        Regarding impact on sound, see discussions in sub-forum about ADI-2 Pro FS vs. non-FS version.
        There is something like a “consensus”, that it is measurable, but not audible.

thanks, so its 10 mw more power on the headphone amp, but same level at 1 khz

and the same performance on jitter on internal clock but about same jitter supression on external clocks..

acording to the tech data in the manuals

so basically the same except the converter chip..


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I found this external power supply (rme brand) for 29€ plus powercord 3,90€

Is this the best choice or can someone suggest a product with same quality for a lesser price?
If amazon links are not allowed please send me the name of the product.

Thanks for helping out!

1,073 (edited by 3phase 2022-10-02 16:00:40)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

pnin1234 wrote:

I found this external power supply (rme brand) for 29€ plus powercord 3,90€

Is this the best choice or can someone suggest a product with same quality for a lesser price?
If amazon links are not allowed please send me the name of the product.

Thanks for helping out!

cheap power supplies are never a good idea for studio gear, especially cheaper than 30.- But when its RME approved I would go for that,  shouldn't be a horrible one, and looking for cheaper anonymous offers on amazon asks for trouble. Bad power supplies can pollute all your studio setup with high frequency dirt.. When your analog synth starts to sound like a digital with aliasing artifacts, check the power supplies that are connected with it on the power line..
Its a good question wether a high grade power supply will improve the sound of the babyface in relation to the dirty usb power.. Some claim yes.. depends on the circuit inside that does the regulation..maybe an RME guy can shed some light of this, but I would think that such info can be biased in the direction of a claim for inaudibility of power supplies.. In practical application Power supplies do make a difference.. There is a German company called Funk Studio Technik that builds the best Studio Gear power supplies.. they certainly do very well on expensive preamps.. will they help on a babyface? But them are above 100 euro.. I might find out when I get out of the hospital..For the while being I am happy that the Babyface can be powered by usb.. Thats a feature..


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Is my Babyface Pro fs broken? Two issues.

I tried to reamp through a Kemper Profiling Amp the other day. I had to get some assistance from a really nice German guy that actually uses a RME Babyface Pro and a Kemper. We did not manage to route the signal back to my Kemper from Cubase through TotalMix FX and the Hardware Outputs though.

It came to my mind that the RME Babyface Pro fs behaves weird when turning everything off. It’s connected to the PC through USB and has the official power supply connected as well. The Kemper is connected though a S/Pdif-toslink adapter. And I only use the S/Pdif on the Babyface.

When I shut everything down the display of the Babyface just goes crazy on the input and is pulsating from zero to overload constantly until I cut the power to the Babyface. It happens when the Kemper shuts down and it stops feeding the S/Pdif signal.

When I pull out the toslink cables it goes away and the display input just stays at zero. So it’s something to do with the ADAT-S/Pdif connection, I think.

My question is: Is there a problem with my S/Pdif-ADAT connection? Why does it seem like there is a signal going in, when all is shut down? I know it’s a difficult question to answer like this.

And can this have something to do with the reamp issue, I encounter? I can record both the dry signal and the wet signal at once. No problem. But sending the dry signal out from Cubase to the Kemper and back to Cubase seems impossible.

Has anyone experience with reamping with the Kemper through S/Pdif?

Sorry about this double trouble post.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

have you set the babyface clock source to adat?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

3phase wrote:

have you set the babyface clock source to adat?

Yes. It’s on “Optical in”. Optical Out is set to “S/Pdif”.

How do I get to these settings from the TotalMix FX? I can only find these settings in Cubase.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

b_ryan wrote:
3phase wrote:

have you set the babyface clock source to adat?

Yes. It’s on “Optical in”. Optical Out is set to “S/Pdif”.

How do I get to these settings from the TotalMix FX? I can only find these settings in Cubase.

These are in the driver settings fireface, which should be in the same place on the task bar as TotalMix

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

mkok wrote:

These are in the driver settings fireface, which should be in the same place on the task bar as TotalMix

Found it

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi Folks:

I have a Babyface Pro Fs and a Behringer ada8200 which I am wanting to pair.

When I connect the two units I am told that it is syncing however, I am unable to access any adat inputs or outputs from the ada2800; only adat 7-8 for both ins and outs.

What could I be doing wrong?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Do they appear in TotalMix and can you see the meters move? They should always show in TotalMix even without the unit connected. What DAW are you using? Have you set them up in the DAW? I have the exact same combination. I use two optical cables so the bfp is the master and I can use inputs and outputs on the ada8200.

I use Cubase and you have to setup audio connections to access all ins and outs. Is your DAW similar?

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread


I am using Reaper however, not only does the ins and outs not appear in reaper, but they do not appear in Total Mix either.

I am using two cables to connect the devices.

Thanks all over the place.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi Again:

Is there something on the Babyface Pro FS that needs to be set in order to expose the Behringer ADA8200 ins and outs? Both the Babyface Pro FS and the ADA8200 appear to be syncing but i can only see the internal options. Perhaps it is a hardware failure on one of the devices.

Someone's help would be appreciated all over the place.

Thanks gang.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

It shows as as1 and 2 and adat 3 to 8 in TotalMix whether you plug in the ada8200 or not. Do you have those as inputs on the top level of TotalMix?

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi Again:

All of the internal inputs appear on the top line of Total Mix but none of the ADA8200 inputs are there.

Thanks all over the place.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

As1 and as2 are the ada8200 as are adat 3 to 8. TotalMix does not show the name ada8200. It has no way of knowing the name over the adat interface

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

1,086 (edited by jim.noseworthy 2022-10-16 17:09:16)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread


Should I not be seeing 12 inputs and 12 outputs?

I'm totally misunderstanding.

Perhaps this is a Windows 11 issue.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

12 I/O in TM FX - yes, unless you use 96 kHz or 192 kHz sample rate...

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I’m using win 11 with no problems. Never thought of the sample rate but the ada8200 only supports 44.1 and 48khz

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

1,089 (edited by jim.noseworthy 2022-10-16 20:53:42)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Well Guys:

I installed the whole system on another Windows 10 computer and had no joy.  I still can't see any of the external adat ins or outs.

Is there something on the Babyface Pro Fs itself that I might have changed?

Is anyone running the Babyface Pro Fs with a ADA8200 using the Latest Babyface Pro Fs Flash update: V200?

I want to be sure of what I am doing before I send the ADA8200 back to Amazon as a defective unit.

Thanks all over the place gang.

1,090 (edited by mkok 2022-10-16 21:20:53)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Yes I am running a Babyface pro fs and ada8200 with the latest drivers on win 11. You haven’t got it in class compliant mode have you? What sample rate is set in the fireface driver settings (not TotalMix)

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread


Thanks for your info.

I am running at 44,100 HZ. I'm pretty sure that I am not in class compliant mode since all of the internal stuff works and since I can connect to the BabyFace Pro FS with my X-Touch.

Thanks all over the place.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Are they hidden in TotalMix? I’m struggling to think of anything as all channels were present on mine even before I bought a ada8200. Can you do a screenshot of TotalMix showing all three levels and pulled out wide enough to see all channels?

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Could anybody confirm that this power supply would be a fit for the BFP:

https://www.friwo-shop.de/de/netzteile- … er=1898164


1,094 (edited by b_ryan 2022-10-28 20:14:01)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I need help!!! :-) Babyface Pro fs driver installing issues on Macbook 2020 M1 (Monterey 12.4)

I downloaded "driver_usb_mac_328-2" and installed it and followed the tutorial on RME website. It installs the apps "TotalMix FX" and "RME Fireface USB Settings", but my Mac doesn't see the Babyface. The TotalMix FX cannot be opened. I tried the cable directly from the Babyface to the Mac and through a Caldigit TS3 hub/dock. Nothing happens. I tried to disconnect the Babyface several times. I tried to reboot the Mac several times. I deleted all RME data and installed it again a couple of times. I tried to go to the Macbook's security page to see if I had to approve the RME driver as stated on the RME website. There's nothing there. I tried to do a flash update, but it seems like I cannot do that, as it already is version 201.

What is going on here?

Best wishes from Brian


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Did you follow the instructions in the driver readme? It describes how to reduce security by booting into recovery mode (2. Installation, M1 computer). Your description sounds like that was not done.

Alternatively you could use driver 4.06 from here:


Matthias Carstens

1,096 (edited by b_ryan 2022-10-29 18:20:40)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

Did you follow the instructions in the driver readme? It describes how to reduce security by booting into recovery mode (2. Installation, M1 computer). Your description sounds like that was not done.

Alternatively you could use driver 4.06 from here:


God damn Sir :-) That was quite some journey you had me on there :-) . That was exactly the problem. Freaking awesome. Thanx man :-) .

One question though. Do I go back and reboot the Mac again and change the reduced security settings back to normal or do I need to keep it this way?

I also have posted a question in the TotalMix FX about another issue.

But again….Thanx a lot :-)


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

It needs to stay this way with that driver.

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

It needs to stay this way with that driver.

Thanx a lot :-) And you should learn to take the weekend off ;-)

1,099 (edited by hancor 2022-11-02 20:22:27)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi MC,

I've owned the RME Babyface Pro for some time, and hooked up some gear to the optical SPDIF port.

I've got two digital microphones the Neumann KMS104 D and KMS 105 D using the AES42 interface standard hooked up to the Neuman DMI 2 portable. From there I passed the AES 42 out signal to a Hosa converter box Model: ODL-312 Optical-AES/EBU link using the optical Toslink/SPDIF patch cable into the SPDIF port on the RME Babyface Pro.

tech spec on mics KMS 104D, KMS 105D
Max. SPL: 159 dB, S/N: Ratio 78 dB, Sensitivity: 4.5 mV/Pa

This is how to get digital microphones to work with the RME Babyface Pro!   smile

Fortunately, Neumann wrote their RCS software in 2019, so it is fairly recent. Driver version for the DMI-2 portable v2.8.30.0 date:2013-07-12 provider: FTDI and digitally signed by Neumann.

Using Windows11 v22H2 build 22621.755 and RME driver v I can successfully use the external clock function and use the digitally controlled microphones via the clock mode in Fireface USB settings setting clock mode to "optical". The sample rates 44100Hz to 96000Hz work without issue. Mics show up on hardware inputs AS 1/2 and hardware outputs AN 1/2 in TotalMix. When I set the clock mode optical to 192000Hz I get a little crackling in NDH-20 headphone output of the BabyfacePro channel Ph3/4.

I read a little further in the Neumann manual where they state:

3-pin XLR connector for the AES/EBU output signal.
The AES/EBU signal includes 2 standard audio channels.

The audio data of two mono microphones are distributed to the left (CH1) and right (CH2) audio
channels of the AES/EBU output signal.

A digital stereo microphone is supported at AES42
microphone input CH1 only. In this case the audio
data of the microphones are routed to the left and
right channels of the AES/EBU output."

What am I missing when the channel width is halved...?

Should I have only one mic on channel 1 of the DMI-2 when shifting to optical clock of 192kHz with the SPDIF toslink to the BabyfacePro to achieve optical clock sync?

Superlative digital mics are not dead, they are just resting...for a little more technical info.
Ah HA...I know splurge and get the RME DMC842...!  smile smile

Am I on the right track here...?   pun intended smile



edit: Okay I'll answer my own question...

Powered down computer, DMI-2 and RME Babyface Pro respectively, removed one of the mics, rebooted. RCS software wouldn't pick up the single mic.

Repeated procedure, reconnected mic, and DMI-2 picked up both mics.
I was able to select 192K on both the DMI-2 and the Babyface Pro interfaces respectively.

Result: Optical Toslink/SPDIF connection now works with both mics running through the Hosa AES42/EBU converter linking to Neumann DMI-2 at 192KHz with optical clock mode in "Sync" via the RME Babyface Pro.

Snap, crackle and pop is gone...

All smiles     smile  smile  smile



Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

UltimateOutsider wrote:
MC wrote:

In a forum someone complained about the phones outputs on the right side, claiming that these have to be at the front. This would have the disadvantage of your wrist/hand lying on them all the time while using the big knob or buttons…one can’t be more wrong than that, it seems.

On the slight chance that it was me you were calling out, I'd like to clarify. I did say the following in a thread about the Babyface Pro on another forum:

UltimateOutsider wrote:

Also, after seeing the Babyface Pro more closely in the Sonic State video, I am more concerned about the placement of the jacks. For a desktop interface, the front of the unit makes more sense to me for a headphone jack, and while the angled USB connector is nice, at least on my desk, I don't currently have room for something with cables hanging out both sides and the back. I use the analog, ADAT, and MIDI on my MOTU Track 16, and that means I'd have cables plugged into three sides of the Babyface Pro.

For reference, here is a picture of my desk:


That's the Track 16 interface wedged between my monitor and desktop speaker. You can see that on my desk, in my situation, my headphone jack is in no danger of being bumped or squashed by my hands, and there really isn't room for me to have cables hanging out the left, right, and back of an interface. In my post I wasn't dictating how I felt all interfaces should be designed. Rather, I was expressing personal disappointment that the new Babyface probably wouldn't physically fit on my desk. That's all. I still think it looks great. (And actually I'm thinking of getting a different desk this summer so I can fit a bigger keyboard on it, and I might end up with more real estate for a Babyface Pro. We'll see.)

If it wasn't me you were talking about, then I apologize for the confusion. I am a customer and advocate of RME; just wish I had a bigger desk!

The setup looks good!